50 short reminders for a better life!

None of us is complete or perfect by ourselves. We all need to adapt and grow every day. Life is full of twists and turns. Are you prepared for what life has to offer you?


THE short reminders below will help you live a better life. If you like it, please feel free to share this page with others in your family and friends’ circle. So, let’s begin to live a better life now!

  1. Focus on what you can control. Leave those that you cannot.
  2. You control how you respond to things. Take charge of your life.
  3. Ask yourself, “Is this essential?” If not, don’t go for it.
  4. Meditate on your mortality every day. Remember you will die one day. It may be today.
  5. Start valuing your time more than money or possessions.
  6. You are the product of your habits. Develop some good habits.
  7. Don’t have an opinion on everything.
  8. Own the morning. Make it yours!
  9. Put yourself up for review.
  10. Don’t suffer imagined troubles.
  11. Look for the good in others. There must be something in everyone.
  12. Never be overheard complaining. Don’t be a whiner.
  13. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason.
  14. There’s always something you can do.
  15. Stop comparing yourself to others.
  16. Live as if you died and came back from the dead (every minute is bonus time).
  17. Give up on the idea of revenge. Let the Lord avenge you.
  18. Be strict with yourself and tolerant of others.
  19. Focus on the process, not the outcomes.
  20. Learn something from everyone.
  21. Put every impression of the mind to the test.
  22. Define what success means to you.
  23. Amor fati. Whatever happens is for your good.
  24. Don’t follow the mob. Cut your own path.
  25. Seek out challenges.
  26. Grab the smooth handle. Be civil and respectable with people always.
  27. Show kindness to every person you meet.
  28. Say no (a lot).
  29. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  30. Treat success and failure the same.
  31. Do the most difficult thing first.
  32. Stop judging others.
  33. Study the lives of the greats.
  34. Forgive, forgive, forgive. Repeat.
  35. Make a little progress every day.
  36. Don’t make your problems worse by talking about them.
  37. Premeditatio malorum (Reflect and prepare for hardship)
  38. Look for the poetry in mundane things.
  39. Sympatheia. Everything’s connected, so have affinity for others.
  40. Always choose ‘Alive Time.’
  41. You are unique but you are not indispensable. Be humble.
  42. It’s OK to fail and to be thought as foolish.
  43. Carpe diem. Seize the day! Make the most of the present time.
  44. Never break trust. Always strive to be honest.
  45. Pay attention to the little things in life.
  46. Pray every day. Trust God to work out things for you.
  47. The obstacle is the way.
  48. Ego is the enemy.
  49. Stillness is the key.
  50. Write something every day. Read a lot every day.

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