Why intercessory prayer is a game-changer


By Robin Sam

Job 42:10 ‘And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.’

PRAYER is a game changer. Ordinary prayers – the ones that are lifeless,  monotonous and unmoved by the power of the Spirit are powerless.

A prayer for the self can change your situation only if God wills, but an intercessory prayer guarantees absolute answer. A yes, or a no or a wait.

One prayer of intercession turned around Job’s life. Not only that, Job’s prayer also got him restoration of earthly blessings. But remember, Job did not pray for himself. He prayed for his friends, for the people he knew, for the people God brought into his life.

Who are you praying for today? Who will you pray for today? God brings people into our lives so we’ll represent Christ before them. So when you intercede for others, your prayer becomes a game-changer.

Selfless, sacrificial prayer breaks bondages, moves heavens, wins souls, transforms people and changes your circumstances. So, pray without ceasing.

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