Thursday, May 9, 2024
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Tag: Margo Woodward

The importance of consistency

Spending consistent time with God reminds us of all that we have in God. It is imperative for us to keep God’s promises at the forefront of our hearts and minds, as we’re living in a dark world. It is imperative for our minds to be continually renewed with God’s truth.

Remaining Focused Amidst Chaos

We must prioritize our relationship with God above everything else. Prioritizing daily time with God and His Word simultaneously prepares us for the distraction that He knows are coming our way.

5 tips to managing anger

Working on your heart will require humility and honesty. You’ll begin to identify what’s currently in your heart and focus on the truth tha t needs to replace it.

Pursuing peace in chaotic world

The blessing in acknowledging our initial response to fear is that it gives us insight into our heart. The heart is where the issue lies. What is our initial response telling us about the state of our heart and mind?

5 ways you can maintain joy!

Many people seek happiness, yet happiness is a temporarily feeling, easily affected by circumstances. That is where happiness and joy differ. Joy is a result of abiding in God’s Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit override circumstances.
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Israel vows total elimination of Hamas

“From here in Jerusalem, I am sending a very clear-cut message: you will not chain our hands and even if Israel has to stand alone, it will stand alone and will continue to fight our enemies until victory,” Netanyahu told the world.