What a beautiful thing! Don Sweeting on Asbury revival

What began as a routine chapel service on February 8 at the Asbury University in Kentucky, US, has rapidly grown into a nonstop praise and worship and prayer session. Several Christian leaders have called it a 'revival'

Asbury revival
Asbury revival: Photo courtesy, Baptist Press

WHAT is dubbed as the Kentucky Asbury revival has caught the imagination of hundreds of thousands of Christians all over the world.

What began as a routine chapel service on February 8 at the Asbury University in Kentucky, US, has rapidly grown into a nonstop praise and worship and prayer session. Several Christian leaders have called it a ‘revival’

Hundreds of people from other colleges and universities in the US are traveling thousands of miles to join the revival.

Asbury is a small Christian college in Wilmore. A few students stayed back to continue praying at the tail-end of the chapel meeting on February 8.

Commenting on the phenomenon, Dr. Donald Sweeting, Chancellor of Colorado Christian University, said: “Revival has brought a new thirst for God, an increase in prayer, conviction of sin, repentance and confession, reconciliation, salvation and worship to thousands on several university campuses. What a beautiful thing! What a needed thing! God often stirs the hearts of young people, and I’m thankful Asbury, Lee and Cedarville universities are witnessing a movement of God.

“University campuses — especially Christian colleges full of young adults sharpening their minds and searching to find their role in God’s great purpose — have always been a key place for great movements of the Holy Spirit. The Haystack Prayer Meeting, the First and Second Great Awakening began at Christian colleges where the fertile ground of commitment to Christ already existed. They resulted in a new evangelistic and missionary outreach, and in the formation of many of our colleges! Pray for a great awakening among students. I pray Colorado Christian University would see a similar movement of God.”

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