The Morning Devotional: Strive to work hard

You can call his inaction as dereliction, oversight, disregard, or simply a lapse. But it all boils down to this: He simply does not want to take up any responsibilities.


By Robin Sam

THE lazy man is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who can answer sensibly (Pro. 26:16).

Proverbs 26 talks about three kinds of people – the fool, the lazy man and the talebearer. If all three character types are found in one person, what do you call him? A fool, nonetheless!

The lazy man was not born a fool, but the Bible says the fool has more hope than a lazy man. A lazy man is not necessarily someone who always reclines on a couch, eating potato chips. He is someone who finds an excuse for every one of his negligent acts.

You can call his inaction as dereliction, oversight, disregard, or simply a lapse. But it all boils down to this: He simply does not want to take up any responsibilities. You will find such types everywhere – at your office, in church committees, government offices or worse in your own house. The lazy man is not only a slothful man, he is also a spiteful man. He is ready to point fingers, pass the buck and the lay the blame at someone’s door.

Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth, says Proverbs 10:4. Lazy people want much but get little, says Proverbs 13:4. A lazy person is as bad as someone who destroys things, says Proverbs 18: 9. The hand of the diligent will rule but the lazy man will be put to forced labor, says Proverbs 12:24.

We have a God who knows our deeds, our hard work and our perseverance (Rev. 2:2). He Himself will reward us. Amen.

Have a good day! Read another devotional.

Robin Sam is a preacher, Bible teacher and missions worker. He works in Messenger Missions, a Gospel proclaiming ministry and edits The Christian Messenger magazines in English and Tamil.

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