The Christmas card

Vince insisted on habitually complimenting Veronica when she did something nice for him. “This is the best turkey sandwich ever,” he said with a grin.


By Greg Miller

THE Monday following the Thanksgiving holiday was an important day in the life of Veronica and her husband, Vince.

Veronica and Vince were determined that, for them, thanksgiving was a way of living, not just another national holiday to be off work and stuff themselves with turkey and all the trimmings. As an act of love, Veronica packed Vince’s lunch every day before he went to work. The lunch on the Monday after Thanksgiving Veronica constructed a magnificent, monstrous turkey sandwich, with mayonnaise, tomatoes and lettuce. The day was also special for another reason. On her lunch break, Veronica drove from her job to Vince’s place of work, delivering his lunch to him.

“I thank the Lord that you share this day with me every year,” Vince told Veronica. “It’s one of my favorite days in November.”

“Mine, too,” Veronica said. “Since we got married on Thanksgiving Day, this is almost like an extended Anniversary Day Celebration!”

“It is for me, too!” Vince declared. “This is one way we can keep our love young and exciting!”

Vince insisted on habitually complimenting Veronica when she did something nice for him. “This is the best turkey sandwich ever,” he said with a grin.

“That’s because I added some extra homemade cranberry sauce,” smiled Veronica.

“Thanks very much, Veronica. I appreciate you very much. By the way, the bread was homemade, too, wasn’t it?”

“Sure was!” Veronica exclaimed. “And I even added some fresh cranberries and cherries to the dough.”

“And I thought I also tasted some blackberries and strawberries,” Vince said.

“I added some of those, too,” Veronica said.

“It was delicious. Thank you for loving me so much. You are amazing and fantastic.”

Vince had also noticed something different about his hot cocoa. “You put some extra dark chocolate chips in my hot cocoa, didn’t you?” he asked.

“Yes, I wanted to do something extra nice for you,” she replied. “By the way, you did something special for me, too, didn’t you?”

“What are you talking about, dear?”

“You gave a Christmas card to me early. It was under the silverware next to my plate.”

Vince was ecstatic that his wife had noticed the card so quickly. “I love you so much that I just couldn’t wait until Christmas to give the card to you,” he said. In fact, it was so much fun that tomorrow I’m going to give another card to you, and it might even have some money you can use on your next shopping trip to the mall!”

Greg Miller can be contacted at raysofson [at] gmail [dot] com for speaking engagements, including Christian Comedy Fundraising Outreaches, Christian Creativity Seminars and/or puppet ministry. 

Read another story: A dinner table prayer

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