Thursday, May 9, 2024
Home Tags What to do when discouraged

Tag: what to do when discouraged

When fear grips our souls, this is what we should do!

Are you discouraged that God's promises to you are not fulfilled? Are you feeling broken and desolate because of people's unfaithfulness to you? Are you afraid of the future because you do not see any light at the end of the tunnel? Does it feel like God is distant from your life, family and work?

How about some intentional encouragement today?

Whilst I struggle to stay focused, I daily choose to intentionally encourage myself through prayer and meditation on God’s faithfulness in the past, present and expectation for the future.
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Israel vows total elimination of Hamas

“From here in Jerusalem, I am sending a very clear-cut message: you will not chain our hands and even if Israel has to stand alone, it will stand alone and will continue to fight our enemies until victory,” Netanyahu told the world.