Thursday, May 9, 2024
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Tag: Messenger Missions Church

Get the power to overcome challenges

In a famous battle, David killed Goliath and became the giant slayer. Where did he get the power to do it? How can we get...

How to get perfect blessings?

We think perfection is a state that we need to attain. No, perfection is a person. It is our Lord Jesus Christ. He is...

The story of how the child of promise was born

The God who calls the nonexistent things into existence will do a miracle for you just as He did for Abraham and Sarah.

God will shine His face upon you

God taught Moses the importance of the priestly blessing in Numbers 4:26-27. Every priest in Israel blessed the people saying those words. You can...

God will strengthen you

Psalm 68:28 has a beautiful one line prayer by David. Robin Sam explains why we need to pray that prayer.

God will establish you

1 Peter 5:10 a short exposition by Robin Sam, pastor of Messenger Missions Church. Join us for worship. Call 0-7299100770 for church location and...
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Israel vows total elimination of Hamas

“From here in Jerusalem, I am sending a very clear-cut message: you will not chain our hands and even if Israel has to stand alone, it will stand alone and will continue to fight our enemies until victory,” Netanyahu told the world.