Sunday, May 5, 2024
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Tag: Egypt

Hamas PM: We will never give up our claims on Jerusalem

HAMAS prime minister in Gaza said Sunday that the militant group will never give up its arms, its territory or its claims on Jerusalem on behalf of the Palestinians.

Christians anxious about Syria’s political future

CHRISTIANS have borne the brunt of regime changes in both Egypt and Syria. Unrest remains part of the landscape. While the people can agree they want to be free from oppressive regimes, no one can seem to agree on who will be in charge.

‘Countries with worst religious freedom grades are Islamic’

MUSLIM-majority countries score worst across a range of measures in a comprehensive new study tracking government restrictions on religion as well as social hostilities involving religion around the world.

Bible Ministry encourages involvement in the Middle East

BIBLE League International, citing recent developments in Tunisia, Egypt and Sudan, among others, says the time is ripe to act now to get the Gospel into these countries.
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6 essentials to producing fruit in Christian life

One of the greatest concerns of new converts is for the salvation of their loved ones. As a new Christian, my immediate concern was that if my beloved parents or my brother and sister died in their sins, they would go to Hell.