‘Heaven Is So Real’ author Choo Thomas passes away


choo_thomasCHOO Thomas, author of Heaven is So Real, has gone home to be with the Lord.

Beginning in 1996, Thomas says she visited heaven numerous times with Jesus. In her book, she described in wondrous detail everything she experienced.

When asked if her heavenly experiences were visions or dreams, she said, “I know I’ve seen heaven, and I know that heaven is so real. Whether we place my experiences in the category of supernatural dreams, visions or actual experiences, I will leave to the theologians. All I can say is that they were very real to me.”

Thomas said the Lord told her to write down her experiences in a book, and that book—Heaven Is So Real—was published by Creation House/Charisma Media and became an international best-seller. She said the Lord also told her that because of her book, at least a million people will see His face.

Thomas was born in Fukukon, Japan. A Korean-American, she was raised in Korea and was the only daughter of nonreligious parents. In 1992 she embraced the Lord with a passionate love, and two years later she first saw Jesus’ presence visibly. In 1995 she began experiencing physical manifestations from the Holy Spirit while in church, and in January 1996, a series of heavenly journeys with the Lord changed her life and her destiny. Her love for Jesus birthed a deep burden for souls, resulting in the salvation of her entire family and affecting everyone she met.

“When I see that people’s lives are being transformed by Heaven Is So Real, it is worth every disappointment I have gone through,” Thomas once wrote. “I believe so many readers have felt that they have been with Jesus in heaven and had seen the things the Lord showed me with this book. That is why they received an anointing from this book.”

Thomas was married to Roger Thomas. She was a housewife until the time she wrote Heaven Is So Real. She is survived by her son, John Thomas, his wife and two children and her daughter, Teresa Lang, and her two children.

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