Christian Resources ships Great Crate to India

Bible in crates
Workers loading Bibles in crates for a shipment.

Bible in crates
Workers loading Bibles in crates for a shipment.

CHRISTIAN Resources International has shipped their latest Great Crate shipment to an undisclosed location in India.

CRI executive director Jason Woolford said: “This particular container that we had sent will be set up as a library and will be used as evangelistic tools.”

India needs resources for its mission workers, churches and lay preachers as the country is growing rapidly.

The library is expected to provide the much-needed tools for pastors, theology students, and everyday believers to grow in their knowledge of the faith and to disciple others.

One Indian pastor was able to reach 40,000 people with just one Bible CRI sent him, according to Woolford.

Naturally, CRI is excited at how many doors could be opened when believers are equipped with an entire library.

The organization has also expressed its gratitude to all who contributed their used Christian books, devotionals, and Bibles to the last Great Crate.

In the next couple of months, CRI will ship another container to Liberia. Liberian churches were the recipients of the first CRI container ever shipped.

Although it’s been a challenge finding a container provider who will ship to the region, but they have finally been able to push through, CRI said.

CRI has worked in 165 countries.

“We’re providing and making a way for foreign pastors, missionaries, new Christians, and basically those that are searching for the truth – we’re actually giving them the living Word of God,” Woolford said. “So while hospitals and food are absolutely necessary, we’re giving them something to cause them to thirst no more.”

It costs $10,900 to ship a container worth $345,000 in books and Bibles, a CRI release said.

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