A time for everything under the sun

The Lord calls us into different seasons and we need to live each of these days bringing glory to Him. Today in prayer, thank Christ for this time in your life and seek to follow His will each and every day.


By Peter Kennedy

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

In 2005, as the iPod reached its height of popularity with teenagers, inexpensive watch sales dropped 12%. Five years later, 6 out of 10 teens reported they did not need a watch to know the time and only 1 in 10 reported they wore a watch every day. Though smart watches have become popular, the overall number of watches that are sold each year continues to shrink.

The watch is a symbol of stress for many people. But it’s not really time itself that’s the problem, according to historian James Hoopes.

“It’s that we live in an increasingly synchronized world,” said Hoopes, a professor in the division of history and society at Babson College in Massachusetts. “You don’t really relieve all the stress unless you get out of the world where time synchronization is so important.”

He notes that, historically, the obsession with synchronization took hold in the railroad era, when watches were often kept in a pocket.

By World War I, watches began moving to the wrist, as a means of efficiency.

“The wrist watch was really a response to stress — the stress of battle,” Hoopes stated.

In other words, the way we track time is changing with the times.

The Lord calls us into different seasons and we need to live each of these days bringing glory to Him. Today in prayer, thank Christ for this time in your life and seek to follow His will each and every day.

“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.” – Theophrastus

God’s Word: “I thought in my heart, “God will bring to judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed.” –Ecclesiastes 3:17

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