Israel urges world not to back down on Iran


benjamin-netanyahuIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is continuing to warn the international community not to back down from economic sanctions against Iran, but to keep up the pressure.

The Netanyahu government believes that talks with Iran are just the latest in Tehran’s attempt to deceive the world and buy time to produce a nuclear bomb.

Both Iran and international powers sounded optimistic at the end of the first day of talks in Geneva.

But Netanyahu urged the international community not to let up on sanctions or stop short of its goal.

“I think there’s a great opportunity to apply continuous pressure or even greater pressure to have Iran dismantle its nuclear weapons capability,” he said.

“I think it would be a great mistake to ease the sanctions of Iran without getting the full dismantling of Iran’s nuclear capability and I call on the international community to do exactly that,” he said.

In an uncharacteristic move, Israel’s security cabinet released a lengthy statement ahead of the talks, detailing Iranian breaches of U.N. Security Council resolutions and Israel’s conditions for accepting a diplomatic agreement. CBN

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