What vision of God did to Isaiah, worship will do for us

Michael G Holmes
Michael G Holmes

Michael G Holmes

By Michael Holmes

SOMETIME ago at a church convention I found myself engulfed in worshiping God. I mean I went all out and focused on Him and Him alone. Now during the service there was a speaker. And for some reason I was unsettled around him. I mean he could preach, had musical ability, and had a tremendous amount of influence.

I couldn’t even look at the guy straight–I was so impressed! And in the middle of worship I had an urge to read my Bible…Galatians specifically. And right there in Galatians 5 it hit me:

“If we are living now by the Holy Spirit, let us follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Let us not become conceited, or irritate one another, or be jealous of one another” (Galatians 5:25-26 / NLT).

“You’re jealous of him,” I heard in my ear.

You would think I’d be humble at this point, receptive to hear what the Spirit was saying…but you obviously don’t know me that well!

“Me? Jealous?!! Of him!!!!!!!!!! Get outta here!!!!!”

Very mature, don’t you think?

But after a few minutes of thinking about it…I realized He was right. I was jealous of him. Well, right then and there I apologized to God for my behavior, repented of my sin, and went back to the overflow.

Great leaders understand worship

When my heart was fully submitted God was able to show me some character flaws. The same way Isaiah saw God and saw himself in the process:

“Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts” (Isaiah 6:5 / NKJV).

In other words, “I am so screwed up!”

And that’s why worship is a powerful leadership strategy, because:

* Worship takes the focus off you

* Worship gives you insight

* Worship re-energizes you

* Worship shows you who you really are (with all your imperfections)

* Among other things…

I know you’re busy…

And tired…

And have a lot on your plate…

And a have lot to contend with…

But why don’t you take a break, get in that prayer closet of yours, take the focus off you, put it on God, and worship Him with EVERYTHING you got!

When you’re finished come back and tell me if those problems, responsibilities, deadlines, and issues seem so looming.

Read his earlier column: Why being childlike makes better sense

Mike Holmes is the Founder of Tithehacker.org. The purpose of the site is to increase the financial literacy of the Body of Christ. Mike used the principles of Tithing and Stewardship to tithing from unemployment checks to a 6-figure-income. Feel free to check out a free resource: “What is Tithing: The Definitive Guide “They” Don’t Want You to Have .”
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