5 ways you can maintain joy!

Many people seek happiness, yet happiness is a temporarily feeling, easily affected by  circumstances. That is where happiness and joy differ. Joy is a result of abiding in God’s Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit override circumstances.

Joy in Christ

By Margo Woodward

JOY is a fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22, yet how many Christians do you know who experience and exude it?

Many people seek happiness, yet happiness is a temporarily feeling, easily affected by
circumstances. That is where happiness and joy differ. Joy is a result of abiding in God’s Holy
Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit override circumstances.

In other words, unfavorable circumstances will rob you of happiness, while joy is able to remain despite the circumstance.

Joy is significantly tied to our perspective. The ability to walk in consistent joy relies on our
ability to keep our mind on Him. We cannot allow ourselves to overly focus on the things of
this world, while neglecting the spiritual perspective.

Colossians 3:1-2 reads: “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”

The more that we keep our perspective and affection on the things of God, the less we will be shaken by things on the earth. Keeping our mind on God puts us in a position to maintain our joy.

Consider these 5 Ways to Maintain Joy.

1. Daily Time with God

For the Christian, daily time with God should be a non-negotiable. We must prioritize daily time with God to pray, worship, and take in His Word. As we grow in our understanding of how He protects and prepares us, we will grow in our commitment of spending time with Him. Daily time with God anchors us in Him, equipping us to walk out the fruits of His Spirit- joy included.

2. Create a Praise Playlist

Praise and joy are intertwined. As you praise God, joy fills your heart. As we abide in joy, we
are moved to praise. Create a praise playlist and play it all throughout the day. This will keep
God on your mind, keep you reminded of His goodness, and will prepare you to keep
inconveniences and frustrations in perspective.

“I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” – Psalm 34:1

3. Focus on Gratitude

As we focus on all that God has done for us, we are filled with joy. In today’s society, we have a tendency to focus on more and more, failing to appreciate all that we already have. Focusing on gratitude will help you to maintain joy. Consider a gratitude journal and commit to writing what you are thankful for at least once a day. Cultivating a grateful heart will help you to maintain joy.

4. Forgive and let it go

A major thief of joy is unforgiveness and anger. If we are going to walk in joy, we are going to have to walk in forgiveness. It is difficult for joy to flourish in a heart that is filled with unforgiveness and resentment. Whatever it is, forgive and let it go.

It is possible to forgive without even talking to the offender. True forgiveness can take place
between only you and God. Trust Him with your heart, and when you find it difficult to forgive
others, consider all that you’ve been forgiven for. Read the parable found in Matthew 18 if you are struggling to forgive.

5. Confess

Sometimes our lack of joy is due to our own sin. If this is the case, we must confess. Psalm 51 provides much encouragement as it relates to the process of confessing sin. Verse 12 reads: “Restore unto me the joy of my salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.”

Sin steals our joy. Confession restores it.

None of us is perfect. We don’t always get it right. However, when we get it wrong, we must
know what to do: Confess.

“When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long.” – Psalm 32:3.

Sin has consequences, and unconfessed sin will affect our bodies. Confession acknowledges
that sin to the Lord, declaring Him right and sin wrong, and He forgives us [Psalm 32:5].
His forgiveness brings joy and peace unto our soul.

As believers, we have continual access to joy. We mustn’t live beneath our privileges and
forfeit them. The access to joy is open, we just have to pass through it. I encourage you to assess your daily routines and make any adjustments necessary so that you can experience and maintain the joy of God.

The writer is an entrepreneur and author of Break Free and Live! She has a master’s degree in strategic communications from Oklahoma State University and is an adjunct professor at Tulsa Community College.