Two reasons why you should be part of a small church

After most of our church buildings, both large and small, are empty, demolished or converted into hipster apartments, small churches will find somewhere else to meet.


By Karl Vaters

SMALL churches are not better than big churches. Big churches aren’t better than small ones.

The arguments we have about size are silly, dangerous and missing the point.

Everyone has something unique to contribute.

As for small churches, here are some of the most undeniable, irresistible blessings they bring to the body of Christ:

The Unkillable Small Church

Small churches have always been and will always be the most common, most resilient, and most adaptable expression of the body of Christ.

Small churches are like the cockroaches of the Christian world.

After whatever cultural nuclear bomb comes along to destroy all other visible expressions of the church, small congregations will scurry out from under the baseboards.

When the money runs out, small churches will find a way to keep going.

When there’s a failure of leadership, small churches will lead themselves.

After denominations topple, small churches will rise up.

The Adaptable Small Church

After what’s old and stale has faded away, small churches will adapt to a new reality.

After what’s cool and new starts feeling cliched and trite, small churches will still matter.

After most of our church buildings, both large and small, are empty, demolished or converted into hipster apartments, small churches will find somewhere else to meet.

After we’ve grown sick of programs and events, small churches will remind us of our essential need for relationship.

After we’ve torn ourselves apart with politically-charged rhetoric, small churches will still be there to bring God’s people together.

After persecution has come, small churches will meet in secret.

After our plans have failed, small churches will still be a big part of God’s plan.

The writer is the author of The Grasshopper Myth: Big Churches, Small Churches and the Small Thinking That Divides Us. He’s been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years and has been the lead pastor of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in Fountain Valley, California for over 20 years. 

This article first appeared here.


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