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Monthly Archives: August 2016

Christian Post now has a tough message about Clinton

Based on the current situation, the editors of The Christian Post came to the following conclusion: "We believe the only options evangelicals should consider are to vote for Trump or to cast a protest ballot."

South African Olympian gives God glory after clinching gold medal

Van Niekerk is not the only Olympic athlete who is giving glory to God. The world's fastest man, Usain Bolt, [who won gold in the 100 meter and 200 meter races], gives his praise to God.
Chinese Christians

China closes churches over G20 summit ‘security’

Please pray for our family in Zhejiang where officials are tightening their control over churches before world leaders arrive in Hangzhou city for the economic summit, which runs September 4-5.

Hillary Clinton wrote about Mormons in her 1996 autobiography, too

DEMOCRATIC PARTY presidential nominee Hillary Clinton wrote an op-ed for the Deseret News about why Utahns and LDS Church members should elect her over her rival, GOP nominee Donald Trump.

Swedish church plans to drop thousands of Bibles over Syria via drone

THE church's missionary director, Christian Akerhielm, has pushed back against critics, saying the project merely intends to bring Bibles to restricted locations and does not want to be seen as "aggressive."

10 things every church member should know

EVEN JESUS was somehow mysteriously made "perfect through suffering" (Hebrews 2:10). General hardship is par for the course (John 16:33; 1 Peter 4:12; 1 Thessalonians 3:3; James 1:2 etc). Particular suffering for being a Christian is also standard (2 Timothy 3:12). We are to expect both.

Franklin Graham shares his parents’ secret to a happy marriage

"He still misses her every day and looks forward to seeing her again one day. It wasn't perfect — but I do think they had a marriage made in heaven," Franklin says.

God might not like everything we do, but He’ll never stop caring for us

GOD still loves us, and he cares deeply what is happening to us! In fact, one of the reasons God hates sin so much is because he knows what it does to us. Sin destroys us, and sin, not God, is our true enemy.

Archbishop Cheenath’s death big loss for Catholic church

RAPHAEL CHEENATH became a champion of the oppressed, particularly Christian victims of persecution in India’s Hindu-dominated society, at a time when militant Hindu nationals are exercising growing power over national affairs.

Decline in Christianity in UK reversed: Survey

Ian Simpson, senior researcher at NatCen Social Research, which carries out the annual BSA survey, said the findings did indicate at least a temporary "halt" in the decline of religion in Britain.
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