The Morning Devotional: Overcome your destiny breakers

Someone said once our life is an embroidery work that God is at work. While we look up to see what God is doing, we see only zigzag lines. They don't make sense, but wait until you see the other side of the pattern. That's where the real stuff is.


And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” So He said, “Come” (Matthew 14:28-29).

By Robin Sam

THERE are two things in life that prevent us from reaching our destiny. One is fear of the future. And the other one is regrets of our past life.

We fear the future because it is unknown to us. We do not know how life will turn out to be. We do not know if we are ready for that new job, that shift in the career, that new business venture, that marriage on the cards. And, we hesitate to take a firm decision about it. We dither, we dilly dally and we postpone things. Ultimately, status quo continues.

Our regrets over the life lived so far is a serious problem too. We ruminate over our past mistakes. We often tell ourselves: ‘Oh, I should have taken that course and not this one. Or, ‘I should have stayed in that city, not this place where I live now.’ Or ‘if only I had married that person.’ We worry so much about our past that we do not live our present life well.

Anxiety and regrets are a reflection of our inner self. When we are anxious we doubt if we can really make it. When we regret over our past life, we doubt the decisions that we have already made. Both prevent us from reaching the destiny God has prepared for us.

Someone said once our life is an embroidery work that God is at work. While we look up to see what God is doing, we see only zigzag lines. They don’t make sense, but wait until you see the other side of the pattern. That’s where the real stuff is.

When Jesus asked Peter to trust Him and get out of the boat, Peter put his trust in Jesus – the One who walked on water! As long as Peter’s gaze was on Jesus, he walked on water. But, the minute he took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the sea he drowned. Trust in God. Lean on His promises. He will never fail you!

Overcoming fearRecently, I was in a college campus where I came across a signboard that said: ‘Everything you want is on the other side of fear.’ Yes, if you will trust in God and overcome your fears, anxieties and inhibitions, you will get what you want in life.

Have a blessed day!

Read another devotional. 

Robin SamRobin Sam is a preacher, Bible teacher and missions worker. He works in Messenger Missions, a Gospel proclaiming ministry and edits The Christian Messenger magazines in English and Tamil.

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