Saturday, May 11, 2024
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Tag: big church vs small church

Pastors, try these 7 habits to be truly joyful!

You can’t compare your ministry to other ministries and continue to feel good about yourself. There will always be someone doing something that appears “better” than how you’re doing. Although, having served in large and small churches – church plants and very established churches – let me just say it is all relative.

Two reasons why you should be part of a small church

After most of our church buildings, both large and small, are empty, demolished or converted into hipster apartments, small churches will find somewhere else to meet.

Since You Asked: BIG Church or small church?

We do not know how big the churches of Ephesus, Philippi, Colosse and other places were, but they were likely not big churches. In those days, they gathered in homes and every home could only accommodate so many people.
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Why the devil blinds people to the Gospel

"That’s not easy to explain. I don’t think we have a sufficient explanation for that. That’s one of those things that’s cloaked in mystery for now."