Sammy Tippit’s TV program targets viewers in Tamil Nadu


Sammy Tippit
Sammy Tippit

EVANGELIST Sammy Tippit’s ministry has launched an ambitious program to reach people for Christ through a broadcast series in India.

The television series titled, Heart-Cry for Revival, is scheduled to go on air in May or June. An estimated audience of over a million people in Tamil Nadu, India, will view the program.

According to a release by the Sammy Tippit Ministries, the broadcasts will consist mostly of messages brought by speakers at the Heart Cry for Revival conference held at the Billy Graham training center.

Indian Christians who are unable to come to the Billy Graham training center will be able to participate in the conferences via television. Voice-overs will be done and the speakers will be heard in the native tongue of the viewer.

The ministry will then conduct a live Heart-Cry conference in Chennai in November 2011. It also plans to have training programs for evangelists.

“When the conference concludes, Dave Tippit and Sammy Tippit will then spend time training younger evangelists,” the release said.

Sammy Tippit will host the weekly broadcasts that highlight the messages of the Heart Cry speakers. Sammy will also bring a series of messages on personal revival called ‘The Race’. Dave Tippit will also have messages for this new generation of younger believers called Earthy Spirituality. These will be presented once per month, the release added.

For more information, visit Sammy Tippit Ministries website

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