Jesus would not approve of abortion: Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy CarterFORMER US President Jimmy Carter has said that he believes Jesus would not approve of abortion.

In an interview to The Christian Post, he said: “I don’t believe that Jesus would approve abortion except in the case of incest, rape or the mother’s life in danger.”

He also criticized the Democratic Party for taking such a strong stance on supporting abortion for all women and encouraged them to soften their language in the party’s platform.

“I never found any incompatibilities though between my religious faith and my duties as a politician except in the case of abortion,” he said.
“But I had to enforce the Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade so I tried to do everything I could to minimize the need for abortions, making it easy to adopt children and by caring for women and infant children in the so-called WIC program,” Carter continued. “So, that was an incompatibility that I had, to maintain peace and to put my basic Christian moral values into practice, were the things that were most challenging for me.”

Carter believes that if Democrats moderate the party’s platform on abortion that they may be able to win back some Republicans who left over the party’s full support of abortion rights.

“I’ve signed a public letter calling for the Democratic Party at the next convention to espouse my position on abortion which is to minimize the need, requirement for abortion and limit it only to women whose life are in danger or who are pregnant as a result of rape or incest,” Carter said in a recent radio program.

“I think if the Democratic Party would adopt that policy that would be acceptable to a lot of people who are now estranged from our party because of the abortion issue,” he added.

The Democratic Party platform reads: “The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.”

The Republican Party’s platform, meanwhile, is: “We say the unborn child has a fundamental right to life. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and we endorse legislation that the 14th Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children. Our purpose is to have legislative and judicial protection of that right against those who perform abortions. We oppose using public revenues for abortion and will not fund organizations which advocate it. We support the appointment of judges who respect the sanctity of innocent human life.”

Related report: Jimmy Carter publishes Study Bible

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