Monday, May 6, 2024
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Tag: sermon preparation

10 things you must do to improve your preaching

A man may preach a sermon that is magnificently crafted from an exegetical, theological, applicatory, and homeletical standpoint, while having it seem to fall on deaf ears.

How much time should I spend preparing a sermon?

I am not saying that you should slack on sermon prep. Write and preach the best sermon you possibly can. However, many pastors get stuck because they are spending too much time preparing the sermon and other ministry areas suffer.

8 steps to preparing your sermon

By Nicholas McDonald AFTER READING ABOUT a half-dozen preaching books over the last few weeks, and re-reading a couple of oldies, I decided to refine my...
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6 essentials to producing fruit in Christian life

One of the greatest concerns of new converts is for the salvation of their loved ones. As a new Christian, my immediate concern was that if my beloved parents or my brother and sister died in their sins, they would go to Hell.