Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Tag: salvation

Brazilian drug lord softens, receptive to Gospel

REESE, an IMB missionary in Brazil who works in the gang-controlled favelas (slums) of Rio de Janeiro, often ministers to gang leaders, drug dealers and prostitutes, frequently finding himself in dangerous situations on streets where violence often rules.

Top Bible verses that reveal God’s forgiveness

SOME people have no trouble accepting that salvation is a gift from God – it is free and that one does not have to do anything to secure it. What they have trouble in is realizing that God can forgive their sins, however gross they are.

Who will be saved?

BEFORE we examine who will be saved, we need to find out what is meant by the term salvation. In the several English versions of the Bible, the words ‘save’ and ‘salvation’ are not theological terms.

Why is God so particular that we forgive others?

THE word ‘forgive’ occurs 81 times in the whole of the Bible. Why is forgiveness so important in the sight of God? What is so amazing about forgiving someone that Jesus implied that one ought not keep count of a brother’s sins? Robin Sam writes.

Why being ‘good’ is not good enough to go to heaven!

THREE people known to me were snatched away from the world last month. The death of two of them was sudden; nobody thought they would die so early. While the third one was ailing, he wasn’t exactly on his deathbed.

Why Lindsay Lohan’s white dress may just not be enough for...

WHITE has traditionally been associated with innocence. In the Bible, however, white dress stands for purity. In Revelation 4:4 we read about the 24 elders dressed in white.
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6 essentials to producing fruit in Christian life

One of the greatest concerns of new converts is for the salvation of their loved ones. As a new Christian, my immediate concern was that if my beloved parents or my brother and sister died in their sins, they would go to Hell.