Friday, May 3, 2024
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The Four-Letter Word You Must Avoid in Life & Ministry

THE raven was sent out much before the dove. While the dove found out that she could not rest anywhere on earth, she returned to the ark. What was the raven doing then? The conditions that applied to the dove applied to the raven as well. But the raven kept going and to and fro.

Know the power of Jesus’ resurrection?

Don’t underestimate the power of God at work in your life. It can turn your life upside down; it can make you a world-changer because the resurrection of Christ was a game-changer in the history of mankind.

How to receive much from God?

It is my prayer that you will ask and receive from God. In the general economy, a giver is depleted, but in God’s economy the giver is enriched because of his giving. God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7).

You are the light of the world!

CHRISTIANITY must be seen. Someone said once: ‘There can be no such thing as secret discipleship, for either the secrecy destroys the discipleship, or the discipleship destroys the secrecy.’ How is it in our case? Has our secrecy destroyed our faith? Or has our faith destroyed the secrecy around the way we practise it?

The GOD who testifies to you!

WHEN our life was in a mess, when we lived in open rebellion to God and His Word, He was merciful. When we went astray, He came looking for us. Oh, thank God for the love that sent His only begotten Son into the world!

Jesus knows the power of one!

Mark 5: 2-20 give us an account of the demon-possessed man set free by Jesus in the country of Gadarenes. If you read the account, it’s as if Jesus went to the place only to set the man, bound by Legion, free. Yes, Jesus will walk the extra mile just to redeem one person. Jesus knows the power of one.

PRAY for our missionaries’ CHILDREN

I pray to God that His blessings, grace and guidance be with you all in the second month of this New Year in your family, workplace, business and ministry.

The 3 Fear Nots of Christ’s Birth

Lloyd John Ogilvie in his book ‘Facing the future without fear’ says there are 366 verses that say ‘Fear not' in the Bible, one for every day of the year, and an extra one for the leap year.


When you demonstrate Christ-like character your enemies will be able to see you are not alone. ‘We have certainly seen that the Lord is with you.’

The Secret of God: What it means and what it does...

WHAT'S the secret of God that was the secret recipe for success in Job’s life? We are going to decode that with the help of the Holy Spirit. To understand the secret of God that lifts up mere men and makes them models of faith we will look closely at the life of Job and go beyond to examine the lives of a few others such as Abraham, David and Apostle Paul.
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