Thursday, May 2, 2024
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Tag: Children’s stories

What the leaves said

“For sure, this is the best!” exclaimed Green Leaf. “It’s much better than being chained to that heavy tree branch for all those months! It feels great to be free!”

The pie baking couple

Emerson thought Elizabeth’s homemade pumpkin pie was the best he had ever tasted. “You make the world’s best pumpkin pie,” he bragged.

Gimme a paw! Pastors’ novel outreach

Both pastors were excited about the results of the trade, and they sensed that although Catnip and Crown were satisfied with their new homes, the animals occasionally began longing for a bit more adventure.

Bless the Lord, O my soul!

The family continued to plan for their first Thanksgiving observance of the season. Finally, the day arrived and everyone was anxious to sit down together and enjoy each other’s company, as well as the abundant feast.

Bunnies’ day out

Charity looked at Charles and said, “Honey, I think we should make these adorable rabbits a part of our family. We don’t have any children yet, and I love these joyful bundles!”

Whisper of the trees

Terrence and Tia observed the changes in nature with hearts full of thanks. “We praise you for life and the variety of nature’s landscapes,” Tia whispered a soft prayer of gratitude.

Growing up fast

“Can we go fishing over the weekend?” Bobby asked his dad.
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Key church management skills you need to know

For managing communications during your worship services, you will need to provide a physical location people can visit to ask questions and get information.