Friday, May 3, 2024
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Tag: abortions

Go easy on abortion, same-sex marriage, Obama tells church

While campaigning for president, Obama lightly dismissed the question of abortion, telling megachurch pastor Rick Warren that knowing when human life begins was "above my pay grade."

Mumbai sees new high in abortions, bishop urges respect for life

THE number of abortions in Mumbai rose by 10 per cent last year, the highest increase in the past seven years. Figures from the city's Health Department, based on data from public and private hospitals, show that the number of abortions performed in 2013 was 30,117.

US website targets teens with wrong info on abortion

AN American website funded by the US government has come under fire for targeting teens with its message on abortion – that it is ‘much easier than it sounds.’

‘Chinese abortions’ are daily ‘Tiananmen Square massacre’

A Chinese protest leader who was part of the students movement in the Tiananmen Square has called for a halt to selective and forced abortion in a speech delivered at the White House lawns.
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Key church management skills you need to know

For managing communications during your worship services, you will need to provide a physical location people can visit to ask questions and get information.