Know the power of Jesus’ resurrection?


Philippians 3-10By Robin Sam

IN Philippians 3:10 Apostle Paul said: ‘that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death…’

Paul wrote the epistle to the church at Philippi when he was in prison in Rome. The church at Philippi was the first church Paul founded in Macedonia. While writing the epistle Paul was unsure of how long he would be in jail in Rome. He had already spent a couple of years, and it’s around this time (62 AD) that he wrote to the church in Philippi. And, what do you think are his requests? That he may be released on parole? That he may have a vibrant ministry in Philippi again? That God may give him the years that have been lost in prison, travel, hunger and humiliation? No! That may have been on Paul’s mind, but they were not top-of-the-list for him. So, what was top of his mind? Read the verse above.

Paul wanted nothing more than three things in his life:

  • That I may know Him
  • And the power of His resurrection
  • And the fellowship of His sufferings.

I know it’s difficult for most of us to say an Amen to these, but as believers we need to know our faith draws its power from the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But for the cataclysmic event, Christianity would have been just another religion. A Christian lives and moves and has his being because of what Christ did for him on the cross. The power that could not hold His body back in the grave; the power that did not let the Holy One of Israel see corruption; the highest power that removed the tombstone with the seal of the lowest authority is at work in your life too.

Don’t underestimate the power of God at work in your life. It can turn your life upside down; it can make you a world-changer because the resurrection of Christ was a game-changer in the history of mankind. Yes, your faith in Jesus and the power of His resurrection can restore the losses that you suffered at the hands of the enemy because the old serpent has been vanquished at Golgotha. The same power that resurrected Jesus and gave us Christ our Saviour can flow through your life into the lives of others. Do you know Him, as your Lord and Saviour? Do you know the power of His resurrection? Are you ready to enjoy the fellowship of His sufferings? If we suffer with Him, we will also reign with Him, says 2 Timothy 2:12.

Let the peace that Jesus Christ gives fill your hearts and lives this month. Have a victorious, Christ-led month ahead!

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