Grace the strongest possible motive for holy living


Now-That's-Amazing-GraceBy Ida Kiruba

WHAT is so amazing about grace? Well-known author William MacDonald takes us on a thrilling expedition to discover the breathtaking heights and soul-stirring depths of God’s amazing grace. The unfathomable plan of salvation formed in the heart of God is made clear in simple language. This doctrinal book uncovers the wonder of God’s grace. The author begins by writing about the huge problem of God that is love on one hand and righteousness on the other. God devises a plan of salvation, a unique solution that satisfies His love and yet does not compromise His righteousness. The only one conceivable solution to the divine dilemma is substitution and that is to have a substitute to die in the place of sinful humanity. Jesus qualifies on all counts and God can now proclaim His marvelous way of His grace.

MacDonald emphasizes the good news and in order to be saved – a person must abandon any hope, not only of saving himself, but even of contributing to his or her own salvation. Grace is a gift and for that reason it can neither be earned nor deserved. It is unspeakable and incomprehensible. Grace has lifted millions out of horrible pit and from the miry clay; set their feet on a rock, establishing their way; put a song in their heart to glorify their God; and eventually has taken them to the many mansions in the Father’s house.

Grace is better than mercy, justice and law. Law reveals sin. Grace takes away sin. The law says, “Try and obey.” However, the language of grace says, “Trust and obey.” The author emphasizes the need to recognize the great facts to appreciate grace such as the personality of Jesus, His supreme act of obedience and for whom He died on the cross and what it means to the one who accepts and acknowledges Jesus’ sacrifice in faith.

MacDonald also goes on to expose the false gospel, which is bad news. It says good people go to heaven. Most religions of the world teach this doctrine. He lists a sample of work that people depend on as a ticket to heaven like baptism, holy communion, regular attendance in church services, fasting, leading a good life and involving oneself in acts of charity. The keyword of the bad gospel is ‘Do’. The keyword of grace is ‘Done’. The author talks about platform of law, platform of grace and platform of work. He also illustrates with examples of people in the Bible who had a good appreciation of grace like Ruth, David and Paul. Those on the platform of work will never know the sweetness of salvation by God’s amazing grace. The author explains that it might seem that he doesn’t believe in works. But, that is a misunderstanding. According to him, good works are the fruits of salvation and not the roots; the result and not the cause. A believer should do good works not in order to be saved but because they are saved.

God’s method is to produce holiness through grace. Grace is the strongest possible motive for holy living. So, the Christian life is grace from the beginning to the end. God is the dispenser of matchless grace. Throughout the book, MacDonald mentions many old popular hymns and songs which speak about the amazing grace along with several quotes about grace written or spoken by children of God who have experienced it in their lives.

God is still searching for men and women to whom He can show His amazing grace. This book is published by Moriah Ministries in Chennai and is available at all leading Christian book stores.

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