New book ‘Perfect’ tells about building intimacy with God


perfect-bookAUTHOR, speaker and former pastor David Rex Gosnell announces the release of Perfect*: What Jesus Teaches Us about Building Intimacy with God. The teachings of Jesus and the author’s experience with prayer form the foundation of a Bible study which will inform and inspire all growing believers.

Jesus had an intimate relationship with His Father. Jesus pointed out that “the Father and I are one” (John 10:30), and He prayed that His followers would have that same closeness with the one who loved them. Jesus desires that we all build a personal relationship with our heavenly Father.

Do you long for a closer walk with God? If so, then Perfect* can show you how to establish and develop an intimate relationship with Him. Join pastor and teacher David Rex Gosnell on an awe-inspiring journey though the Model Prayer, also called the Lord’s Prayer, and learn why Jesus stressed this prayer as the key to communicating with God.

With warmth and grace, Gosnell uses experiences from his own life to illustrate why prayer is so essential to our relationship with God. He draws on key verses in the Bible to show the numerous times Jesus urged his disciples to turn to prayer, proving that there was a direct connection between Jesus’ prayers and God’s power. Each chapter includes a summary and questions for further reflection and personal or group study.

Experience God’s kingdom, power, and glory by embarking on an intimate and enduring relationship with your heavenly Father. Let Perfect* lead the way! Press Release

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