Pat Robertson claims God will give one of his viewers $1m

Pat Robertson

Pat RobertsonCONTROVERSIAL televangelist Pat Robertson recently told his audience that one of his viewers will be given a million dollars from God through the power of prayer.

The conservative social commentator and charismatic preacher stated this on a Thursday episode of the Christian Broadcasting Network’s long-running program “The 700 Club.”

“Just speak the word, touch people’s lives. God is going to supply a million dollars. Somebody is praying right now, right this second you’re praying for a million dollars,” said Robertson, eyes firmly shut in prayer.

“God has said I have heard your prayer, I know your need and I’m going to supply the need that you’ve requested. It’s done, in Jesus’ name.”

Robertson’s words allude strongly to the theology known as the “prosperity gospel,” a teaching within Christianity that developed in the 1940s which claims that God wants Christians to be financially prosperous.

Known also as the Word of Faith movement and preached by notable televangelists such as Benny Hinn, the teaching has been criticized as unbiblical by many for its emphasis on material gain.

According to, a conservative Christian site, Word of Faith “closely resembles some of the destructive greed sects that infiltrated the early church.”

“In sharp contrast to the Word of Faith emphasis on gaining money and possessions in this life, Jesus said, ‘Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal’ (Matthew 6:19),” reads an entry on their site.

“The irreconcilable contradictions between prosperity teaching and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is best summed up in the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:24, ‘You cannot serve both God and money.'”

Robertson’s prosperity claims on Thursday come not long after the televangelist told a viewer that she should pray over some clothes she bought from Goodwill so as to exorcise any possible demons.

“Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects? The answer is yes. But I don’t think every sweater you get from Goodwill has demons in it,” said Robertson.

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