3-year-old is UK’s youngest alcoholic: report

Wine cup with verses

Wine cup with versesA three-year-old who was regularly given alcohol over a six month period has been diagnosed as the UK’s youngest alcoholic, it has been revealed.

A news report by the Christian Institute said in a separate incident, students from the University of Manchester took part in a bizarre drinking game to see who could vomit or end up in hospital first.

In the light of these happenings, leading health organizations have slammed the British government’s latest ‘responsibility deal’ with alcohol manufacturers.

The toddler was one of 13 children who were diagnosed as alcoholics by the Heart of England NHS Trust between 2008 and 2010. During the same period, 106 teenagers aged 13 to 16 were also treated for alcohol addiction, the report said.

Sarah Matthews, spokeswoman for the British Liver Trust, said it was an ‘extreme’ example and ‘definitely one of the youngest cases of alcoholism we have heard of.’

Leading alcohol awareness charities have warned of the long-term health issues this case flags up.

Don Shenker, chief executive of Alcohol Concern, said: “As long as alcohol remains as heavily promoted as it is, young drinkers will continue to consume far more than they might otherwise, leading to inevitable health issues.”

And Chris Sorek, CEO of Drinkaware, commented: “Any child requiring hospital treatment for alcohol-related illness is a cause for great concern – not just because of the short-term risks, but also the long-term health problems”.

The behaviour of the University of Manchester students involved in the potentially lethal drinking competition has been described by one professional as ‘suicidal’ and ‘exceptionally dangerous’, the report added.

What does the Bible say about drinking? (External link)

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