Our Highest Witness

My witness is in heaven
My witness is in heaven

By Robin Sam

‘Surely even now my witness is in heaven, and my evidence is on high’ (Job 16:19).

JOB was battered in his spirit and in his body. He lost his children, his wealth and his health. The friends that came from afar to comfort him ended up heaping misery upon him. So malicious were their accusations that Job called them miserable comforters. They made up their minds about the cause for Job’s sufferings. They accused him on his face of being someone who sinned in secret. The more Job defended himself, the more vicious their attacks became. They acted like they were both the jury and the judge.

Have you been through such situations in your life? Have you felt like being at the end of your rope? Have people falsely accused you? Have people returned you evil for the good you did for them? Has anyone laid trumped up charges on you? Do you feel like you have no one to plead your case?

You are not the first person to go through such a thing. Nor will you be the last. Remember Joseph, the dearest son of Jacob? What do you think went on his mind when he was in the pit and later in the Egyptian prison for no fault of his? Remember David, who abdicated his throne and took refuge in a wilderness afraid of Absalom, his son? Think about Jesus, who stood before Pilate as though He was helpless.

Why do bad things happen to good people? And, what do God’s children do when they are reviled, vilified and persecuted? Job said: ‘My witness is in heaven and my evidence is on high.’

Stop defending yourself. You don’t owe any explanations to anyone about your life but God. If you are right before His eyes, you need not fear any man. Jesus is your defender (Psalm  7:10; 59:9; 62:2; 94:22). He has been there and done that. He knows your plight. He will fight for you (Deuteronomy. 1:30; Nehemiah 4:20; Isaiah 31:4). He will plead your case. And, He will exonerate you soon. Amen.

Have a blessed day! Read another devotional.

Robin Sam is a preacher, Bible teacher and missions worker. He works in Messenger Missions, a Gospel proclaiming ministry and edits The Christian Messenger magazines in English and Tamil.

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