Since You Asked: BIG Church or small church?

We do not know how big the churches of Ephesus, Philippi, Colosse and other places were, but they were likely not big churches. In those days, they gathered in homes and every home could only accommodate so many people.

Questions from the congregation

BIG Church or small church?

PJ asked: Dear brother in Christ, what is your take on big Pentecostal or non-denomination churches in Chennai? Do you think large gatherings is the way forward or small gathering could mean more than just a church?

THANK you for the wonderful question, brother. We have been part of both small churches and big ones. In the Scriptures, we see God adding people by the thousands. That is as long as they were in Jerusalem. However, God’s command to them was to go beyond Jerusalem, to Judea, Samaria and to the end of the earth. After the dispersion, the churches grew in numbers. Everywhere the believers went, they impacted the community with their faith and testimony.

We do not know how big the churches of Ephesus, Philippi, Colosse and other places were, but they were likely not big churches. In those days, they gathered in homes and every home could only accommodate so many people.

So, to answer your question – God moves in both big churches and in small gatherings. He is the Lord of all. Every big church would have begun in a small way once. God asks us not to despise humble beginnings. So, there is no reason why God should not minister to the needs of the big churches and the small ones. Ultimately, it is left to us to choose. In our choice the criteria should be: Am I being fed the unadulterated Word of God? Is Jesus glorified there? Is the church helping me grow in the Lord? Do I feel at home at the church where I am? Am I connected with the other believers there? Is there room for fellowship there? Are there avenues for ministry available to me? Is the church I am part of involved in soul winning and engaged in missions work? Does the pastor come across as a man who has been with the Lord? And, if you are married you may want to ask these questions too: Is the children’s ministry good at the church? Does the church care for my children – pre-teens and teens – and help them walk with Jesus?

All other considerations – is the church air-conditioned, is there enough space for car parking, does it have a tea dispenser or a canteen, is the music good, does the pastor speak good English – are irrelevant and inconsequential. (Robin Sam)

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Robin Sam is a preacher, Bible teacher and missions worker. He works in Messenger Missions, a Gospel proclaiming ministry and edits The Christian Messenger magazines in English and Tamil.

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