Christian Marriage: 17 Commands for Marriage from the Bible

What makes a Christian marriage work? What makes a Christian marriage holy matrimony?


What makes a Christian marriage work? What makes a Christian marriage holy matrimony? What should a person who is married look for as his duties and responsibilities in the marriage? Here are 17 commands for marriage from the Bible.

  1. Let every man have his own wife.
  2. Let every woman have her own husband.
  3. Let the husband meet the sexual needs of the wife.
  4. Pay your conjugal vows. Do not defraud each other in sexual life.
  5. Come together again after you have consented to live without sex briefly for prayer and fasting.
  6. Let not the wife depart from her husband.
  7. If the wife leaves her husband, let remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband.
  8. Let not the husband divorce his wife.
  9. Let not the Christian man divorce his non-Christian wife if she desires to live with him.
  10. If the unbeliever departs refusing to live with the Christian, let him go. Do not force that couple to continue in marriage.
  11. If you are bound to a wife, do not seek to be loosed.
  12. If you are loosed from your wife, do not seek remarriage.
  13. If you are in marriage, live a life free of anxiety.
  14. If you are not married, live a life free of anxiety.
  15. Let every man/woman who is married remain in marriage.
  16. Marriage is for the lifetime of the man and his wife.
  17. Christians can remarry only Christians only when their companions die.

(From 1 Corinthians 7:1-16).

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