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Monthly Archives: October 2012

Obama and Romney

Obama & Romney strayed from facts in debate

ASIDE from Mitt Romney's threat to defund Big Bird, the most commonly cited quip in his debate with President Obama may have been: "Mr. President, you're entitled as the president to your own airplane and to your own house, but not to your own facts."
Boko Haram extremist

Boko Haram massacres 25 Christian students in Nigeria

MULTIPLE sources have confirmed that about 25 to 30 Christian college students were massacred at a university in northeastern Nigeria late Monday night, causing Christians to pray for a "change of heart" among the extremist Islamist group Boko Haram to put a stop to the continued violence.
Greg Laurie

Why all this chaos in Middle East, Greg Laurie answers

PASTOR Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship church took the opportunity during his Sunday sermon series on the book of Revelation to talk about the current events in the Middle East as it relates to Bible prophecy.
Annie Lobert

From sex trade to ‘virgin in Christ’: Annie Lobert’s testimony

Annie Lobert worked for 16 years in the sex industry, battled cancer and got into drugs. But when she called out to Jesus from death's door, she found her Savior and the vision to comfort thousands of other victims of sex trade.

The year of changing warfare

WE are in another world war. Not like before with constant, high profile battles and clear cut good and evil. Instead, this world war stems from ‘religion cultural rights’ and has consistent but unpredictable, nondiscriminatory terror that will progress into weapons of mass destruction.
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‘Mandisa loved God, found comfort in the Bible’

Despite her personal hardships, she maintained a message of hope and resilience, attributing her strength to her relationship with God.

The only message