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Monthly Archives: June 2011

‘Sentenced to Life’ talks of new life in Christ

KAY Baker has released 'Sentenced To Life', a book that tells the story of Kathy Williams, a successful career woman in a high profile position. Kathy falls into temptation and embezzles money. She is caught and sentenced to 11 years in prison.

Pentecost Festival kicks off in London

THE festival burst onto the political, cultural and entertainment scenes across London on Friday as art galleries, theatres, bars and streets of the capital play host to Christians celebrating the birthday of the church for 10 days.
Sheryl Edith Manoharan

Why faith must be practised

IT'S a common predicament for the believer: we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but because of our yesterday, we know that God always comes through.
An Algerian church

Algerian sent to jail for sharing faith with neighbor

AN Algerian Christian has been sentenced to five years in prison for sharing his faith with his neighbor. According to International Christian Concern, Siagh Krimo was given the sentence last week in Djamel District, Oran, Algeria.
Harold Camping

Camping says corpses will be thrown out of graves on Oct 21

DOOMSDAY preacher Harold Camping whose earlier prediction that the world will face end on May 22 predictably failed, has now come up with another prediction considered by many Christians even more bizarre this time.
Thorns in the heart book cover

Christian’s guide to dealing with addiction: Thorns in the Heart

THE much anticipated and revised edition of the inspirational and groundbreaking book Thorns in the Heart, A Christian's Guide to Dealing with Addiction is now available.
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Is Prosperity Gospel dangerous?

Also called "health and wealth gospel" or "name it and claim it," it emphasizes positive thinking, declarations, and giving to church as ways to receive these blessings. It is also known as the Word of Faith movement, and has both supporters and detractors.

The Meaning of Life

Above all, Pray!