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Monthly Archives: April 2011

Greg Laurie

And Jesus said: ‘It is finished!’

THE cross was the goal of Jesus from the very beginning. His birth was so there would be His death. The incarnation was for our atonement. He was born to die so that we might live.
Via Dolorosa

Christian pilgrims retrace Jesus’ last steps in Jerusalem

THOUSANDS of visitors from around the world retraced the last journey of Jesus Christ down the Via Dolorosa (Way of Suffering in Latin) along with local Christians in Jerusalem on April 22.
New Testament magazine

German publisher makes magazine out of New Testament

A German publisher has brought out a new magazine consisting of the unaltered text of the New Testament with pictures and illustrations.
Foetus in the womb

Why is abortion wrong in the eyes of God?

WHY is it wrong? Because by the act of aborting the foetus in the womb, what is done is a life is destroyed. By killing life, the perpetrators of abortion are playing the role of God, who alone has the right over our life.
Teen abortion

US website targets teens with wrong info on abortion

AN American website funded by the US government has come under fire for targeting teens with its message on abortion – that it is ‘much easier than it sounds.’
Violence in Nigeria

Christian churches, homes burned down in Nigeria

ARMED Muslim youths have burned down Christian churches and homes and looted Christian businesses in northern Nigeria following the recent presidential election.

iPhone keeps track of everywhere you go!

APPLE’S iPhone keeps track of the places that you go to. Worse, it saves every detail of it to a secret file on the device. These details are then copied to the iPhone owner’s computer as soon as the two are synchronized.
Chinese Christians during a worship session

China church issues bold Easter service call

ACCORDING to a news report, a Chinese Protestant church unrecognized by the authorities urged its members to ignore government warnings and risk being arrested by joining Easter Day services in Beijing.
Many paths? Jesus is the only way!

Survey finds many born-again Christians hold universalist ideas

IN a disturbing new finding, it has been found that many born-again Christians have universalist ideas when it comes to the question of salvation. This has been revealed in a new Barna analysis of trend data.
Rev Johnson V

Loosened and led to the water

WHEN our Lord Jesus walked on this earth, everywhere He went, He reversed the destruction caused by the kingdom of darkness. Our Lord had come to usurp dominion and power from the evil one through the Cross.
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Key church management skills you need to know

For managing communications during your worship services, you will need to provide a physical location people can visit to ask questions and get information.