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Home 2011 March

Monthly Archives: March 2011

Wine cup with verses

3-year-old is UK’s youngest alcoholic: report

A three-year-old who was regularly given alcohol over a six month period has been diagnosed as the UK’s youngest alcoholic, it has been revealed.

Global Advance plans training for Indian church leaders

GLOBAL Advance, a ministry that trains pastors, business leaders and church planters to help the body of Christ in the Great Commission, has scheduled a series of training meetings across India this year.
A Japanese woman

Japanese open up to Gospel after quake and tsunami

THE death toll continues to climb following the recent earthquake and resulting tsunami. Those wishing to reach out with assistance are facing obstacles.

Sammy Tippit’s TV program targets viewers in Tamil Nadu

EVANGELIST Sammy Tippit’s ministry has launched an ambitious program to reach people for Christ through a broadcast series in India.
Mathews George

In pursuit of happiness

CHRISTIANITY today has turned into a cruise ship. We are on a quest for choice locations floating on a multibillion dollar ship filled with exotic food, drinks and great speakers. Everyone’s in a pursuit of joy.

Give voting rights only to Hindus, Togadia says

VISHWA Hindu Parishad’s international secretary Pravin Togadia has alleged that Hindus in India are being denied of human rights. He has also come with a ‘solution’ to end the bias allegedly being perpetrated by ‘vote-mongers'.

7 things that make us trip in our Spirit-filled life

JOSHUA, one of the greatest military strategists of the world in his time, was a man who acknowledged the supremacy of God in his life. Towards the end of his life, he called all the Israelites and gave them a farewell address.
Peter and Hazelmary Bull

Gay couple demand more money from B&B owners

A homosexual couple who sued the Christian owners of a B&B from Cornwall are going to court again, this time to demand more compensation money.

Tsunami hits Japan after 8.9 Richter scale quake

ACCORDING to news reports, Japanese television showed cars, ships and even buildings being swept away by a vast wall of water after the 8.9-magnitude earthquake.

Is it time Christians prepared for the End Times?

QUICK answers to how the situation in North Africa and the Middle East might affect Israel could be one or more of the following 5 occurrences. Read on.
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Is Prosperity Gospel dangerous?

Also called "health and wealth gospel" or "name it and claim it," it emphasizes positive thinking, declarations, and giving to church as ways to receive these blessings. It is also known as the Word of Faith movement, and has both supporters and detractors.

The Meaning of Life

Above all, Pray!