You are the light of the world!


candleBy Robin Sam

IN MATTHEW 5:14, Jesus told His disciples: ‘You are the light of the world.’ This was one of the greatest compliments ever paid to Christians by the Lord Himself.

The number one thing Jesus is telling us through the above verse is this: Shine like Me. Jesus wants us to be like Him, no less. When He called His disciples, the light of the world, Jesus was simply telling them that they ought to be like Him because in John 8:12, He said: ‘I AM the light of the world’ (emphasis mine).

What else did Jesus mean by it when He called His disciples, ‘the light of the world’? He was telling them, Shine in Me. The disciples are not to produce their own light. They ought to be lighted by the light of the world to lighten others.

Light is to be seen. Christianity must be seen. Someone said once: ‘There can be no such thing as secret discipleship, for either the secrecy destroys the discipleship, or the discipleship destroys the secrecy.’ How is it in our case? Has our secrecy destroyed our faith? Or has our faith destroyed the secrecy around the way we practise it? If our faith is not visible to others through our actions, then our religion is in vain.

Light is a guide. Light helps us see the way. Distant lights guide mighty ships safely to the shores. The light in us should show Jesus, the One who said I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, to others. Have we taken a stand yet for Jesus? Not to pay bribe is taking a stance. Not to indulge in gossip is a stand. Not to malign somebody even when they have tarnished our image is taking a stand for Jesus. When was the last time you took a stand for Jesus?

Light can also be a warning signal. Traffic lights tell us when to stop and when to proceed on the road. We all know disregarding warning lights can be fatal. Through our testimony, we should tell others the danger of living a life without Christ. We need to tell those around us that a life devoid of Jesus Christ is not only empty but will also lead to eternal damnation. Let no one tell us, ‘If only you had told me about Jesus. If only you had shared the Gospel with me, I would not be where I am today.’ When was the last time you shared Jesus Christ with others?

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