‘Take the blame and forgive others’

That Jesus was slain for us should not be a familiar feeling. Every time, you break the bread it should be a new experience and not a familiar truth for you. It should always be fresh in your heart.


The Bible says Jesus was without sin (Hebrews 4:15). But, the righteous One, the Son of God, Jesus Christ took the “blame” for all of our sin, and credits us with his righteousness.

Every time the Holy Spirit fills us, it’s as if it is for the first time that you hear that Jesus Christ died for us. That Jesus was slain for us should not be a familiar feeling. Every time, you break the bread it should be a new experience and not a familiar truth for you. It should always be fresh in your heart.

When we realize this, how can we break the bread without taking the blame and forgiving others, just as Christ Himself did for us, asks Zac Poonen.

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