Preparatory meeting for evangelists, missionaries

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Bro. Hariharan with Pastor Peter and participants.

EVANGELIST Bro N L Hariharan, founder of Cross Blood Foundation, a Christian non-governmental organization working among cancer-affected children in Tamil Nadu, was the key note speaker at the PM for PEM (Preparatory Meeting for Prospective Evangelists, Missionaries) on Jan 8.

“Those who intend to do the Lord’s ministry need to be courageous. They must realize that they have God-given authority to overcome all the powers of the enemy as stated in Luke 10:19. If you believe this promise, nothing will harm you,” he said.

Earlier, Robin Sam, founding editor of The Christian Messenger newspaper, spoke briefly about what the Lord’s ministry really is.

“Ministry is the outcome of God’s love for mankind. Jesus said those famous lines in Matthew 9:37 (‘the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few’) after He saw multitudes and had compassion on them because they were harassed, helpless and like sheep without a shepherd,” he said.

To partner with The Christian Messenger in organizing PM for PEM (Preparatory Meetings for Prospective Evangelists and Missionaries) at your church, call us at 0-9884063345 or 044-65145334.

Read full report here.

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