Murder of Christian activist in Orissa creates climate of fear

Orissa map

Orissa mapTHE murder of Christian activist Rabindra Parichha in Kandhamal district of Orissa in India has been interpreted as “a strategic move by extremists to create a climate of fear among Christians” in the run-up to Christmas. This was the verdict of Sajan George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians.

Rabindra was found dead on 16 December; the circumstances of his murder are as yet unknown, Barnabas Fund reported.

Meanwhile in Kandhamal, extremists have called for a bundh – strikes and protests – to coincide with the Christmas period, 24-27 December. The same group had called for a similar strike in December 2007, which precipitated anti-Christian attacks in which five Christians were killed and hundreds of houses torched.

The violence resumed in August 2008 and continued for two-and-a-half months. More than 90 people died and thousands were injured. Around 6,000 homes were burnt down, and over 56,000 people were displaced; many are yet to return home.

Christians in Kandhamal have not celebrated Christmas openly since then but were planning to do so this year. Amid the latest security concerns, however, a senior church leader in Kandhamal said that the celebrations had been cancelled, and church-run schools, hostels and orphanages closed down.

Barnabas Fund’s Co-ordinator for India said that the Christmas season has been used to target Christians in Orissa for the last three years. He added, “With the killing of Christian activist Rabindra Parichha we could assume an escalation of violence against Christians during this Christmas season.”

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