Live like you were dying

Pastor Stephen R Dodd

Pastor Stephen R DoddBy Stephen R Dodd

AN unexpected or sudden death holds the power to shatter our world as we know it. When these events occur, not only does the loss not make any sense to us, but also we come face to face with the knowledge that life truly is not fair; and bad things do happen to good people. This sudden loss places us into a tailspin of uncertainty and vulnerability because the loss is intensified by the fact that there was no opportunity to prepare, complete unfinished business, or just say our last good-byes.

It’s no wonder that those left behind are overwhelmed with feelings of depression, shock, anger, hopelessness, and guilt. But what about you? How much time do you spend thinking about your own mortality?

If suddenly you realized your last day on this earth was today, would you regret how you have spent your time in the past? What about how you are spending it now? Sure, things like playing video games, surfing the Internet, or reading the latest celebrity gossip magazine can be fun. However, as your last hour approaches, how much comfort are you going to find in the knowledge of how you once wasted your time?

Most of us live our lives with the mindset that we will live to a ripe old age; but the reality is, we don’t know where we are in our own life’s cycle. Maybe we’re a young teen, or a sassy thirty-something. We could live to be 100; or we could go tomorrow. The reality is, we just don’t know. And some of us may be further along in our life story than we realize. Which brings us to ask ourselves, “Now that I am a follower of Christ, what purpose does God have in mind for me?” Better yet, when I do leave this earth, “How will God judge me?”

No matter who you are, we all have a self-loving narcissist side to us. We gather our possessions, puff up our chest with our job and education accomplishments and live the lie that this is what life’s all about. *Pop*! Let me be the first to burst your bubble. If we consider ourselves to be devout followers of Jesus Christ then in life only one thing matters. We walk this earth for one thing and one thing only; to bring glory to God- “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31) – nothing more, nothing less.

Today, the human race has been led farther and father away from God’s perfect plan. We live in a culture that makes us feel obsolete if we don’t measure up or obtain those things that we “must have” to feel successful. Instead of living a life set apart for God, our media tells us to look at another person’s success and say, “I need that to feel better about myself.” This is not what God has called us to desire and seek for our own lives. Instead, God desires for us to turn away from the trappings of this world and say, “Lord, use me! How can I best glorify You with my life?”

There’s no question, nothing’s for sure in this life other than death and taxes. When God decides it’s time for our last curtain call, are you going to feel more pleased standing before God in judgment saying, “Look at all the things I’ve amassed while on this earth.” Or are you going to be more gratified to stand before our Father while giving a testimony for all the occasions of spirit filled living when you have obeyed Christ? Won’t you be more proud of those times in your life that you spent in prayer, reading the scriptures, evangelizing, worshiping, and serving our Father in Heaven? I’ll be the first to admit I like nice things. But at the end of the day, they mean nothing to me. What matters most to me is the rewards that God says I will receive in Heaven. And while hearing “Nice House or Nice Car” can stroke your ego. No words of affirmation are going to hold a candle to hearing God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:23).

Pastor Steven R. Dodd is an innovative pastoral leader called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the beliefs of the evangelical Christian faith. You can reach him at this email ID. Visit his blog.

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